Research Center Hero

The Foundation supports research to understand the financial capability of American households, financial fraud and consumer protection, and what works when it comes to financial education and protection. Explore the resulting reports and data sets using the filters below.

Research Center

Showing 41-50 of 90 results
Oct 13, 2020
Researchers from NORC at the University of Chicago and the Foundation examined investors' and non-investors' awareness and reactions surrounding the market volatility of early 2020.
Oct 13, 2020
Researchers from NORC at the University of Chicago and the Foundation examined racial and ethnic differences in investors' and non-investors' awareness and reactions surrounding the market volatility of early 2020.
Sep 21, 2020
With data from the Rush Memory and Aging Project, this study found that older adults who have higher levels of confidence in their financial knowledge have a lower risk of Alzheimer’s dementia. 
Sep 21, 2020
Researchers from the Foundation and Rush University found that faster declines in financial and health literacy were associated with poorer decision making, higher susceptibility to scams, and lower psychological wellbeing. 
Sep 10, 2020
Using data from the Rush Memory and Aging Project, this research provides new and updated evidence that overconfidence in financial knowledge might lead to excessive financial risk taking in older age. 
Nov 01, 2019
Using data from the 2015 and 2018 waves of the NFCS, this research provides evidence on the financial well-being of military veterans and how they are faring relative to comparable civilians.
Sep 30, 2019
This report details findings from a study of BBB Scam Tracker data comparing fraud victims to those targeted but not victimized in order to better identify factors that protect consumers from victimization.
Apr 01, 2019
A researcher from the University of Wisconsin-Madison won the Foundation's NFCS Research Award for using NFCS data to examine the role of state-level financial mandates on the likelihood of a young adult borrowing with payday loans.
Oct 04, 2018
This visual summary highlights findings from a research collaboration between CFA Institute and the Foundation on the experiences and attitudes of millennial investors and non-investors.  
Oct 01, 2018
With a Foundation grant, researchers from NYU and USC's Center for Economic and Social Research tested the effect of social annotations on people's investment knowledge and performance on a retirement savings simulation.